You can’t enough illuminate the importance of strength and reach between transmitter and receiver at horizontal directional drilling.
By using a strong and consistent instrument with long reach you can perform pilot bores with considerably reduced time and where the crew don’t need to be exposed to unnecessary hazards, for example entering trafficked roads, navigate in flowingwater etc. But also to cross obstacles with help of bore-to-function instead of trying locate “ghost signals” and by that measure incorrect location and depth. The pictures below are an example from that kind of drilling where we crossed an “obstacle in the obstacle”.
In October Jenny went to Svenstrup in Denmark to join Entreprenørfirmaet Østergaard A/S on a parallel drilling under the highway road E45. In the middle of the road at eight meters depth there was a 3,75x4,7 meters big concrete culvert, that went approximately 45° under the highway that we should cross.
We entered the road at approximately 15 meters depth and while there we drove to the otherside of the road, in this case the width of the highway was about 35 meters, and placed the instrument in the bore line and switched to bore-to-mode.
By working like this we could “duck” the interference and get stable direction inbore-to-mode and drill after that and the pitch with full control until we had crossed the road. Besides, no one had to enter the road with the risk of getting hit by a car, no disturbance on the traffic, and the pilot bore is going way much faster. You also save your customer money because you don’t needto use TMA-vehicles.
The result will be: More efficient drilling, a safer work environment, less disturbance on the traffic, and money can be saved for the customer.
You can’t enough illuminate the importance of strength and reach between transmitter and receiver at horizontal directional drilling.
By using a strong and consistent instrument with long reach you can perform pilot bores with considerably reduced time and where the crew don’t need to be exposed to unnecessary hazards, for example entering trafficked roads, navigate in flowingwater etc. But also to cross obstacles with help of bore-to-function instead of trying locate “ghost signals” and by that measure incorrect location and depth. The pictures below are an example from that kind of drilling where we crossed an “obstacle in the obstacle”.
In October Jenny went to Svenstrup in Denmark to join Entreprenørfirmaet Østergaard A/S on a parallel drilling under the highway road E45. In the middle of the road at eight meters depth there was a 3,75x4,7 meters big concrete culvert, that went approximately 45° under the highway that we should cross.
We entered the road at approximately 15 meters depth and while there we drove to the otherside of the road, in this case the width of the highway was about 35 meters, and placed the instrument in the bore line and switched to bore-to-mode.
By working like this we could “duck” the interference and get stable direction inbore-to-mode and drill after that and the pitch with full control until we had crossed the road. Besides, no one had to enter the road with the risk of getting hit by a car, no disturbance on the traffic, and the pilot bore is going way much faster. You also save your customer money because you don’t needto use TMA-vehicles.
The result will be: More efficient drilling, a safer work environment, less disturbance on the traffic, and money can be saved for the customer.